The Conscious Mother Package.


  • Doula’s Directory: receive your manual of guidance and resources such as herbal medicine, helpful practitioners, documents and articles, videos and other helpful hints for a healthful pregnancy.

    • 4 prenatal gatherings:

      1 x 1 hour video call prenatal which acquaints just you and I deeper. The next 3 gatherings are 2 hours long, usually held at your home with partner also present and we get comfy to dive deep into any of the topics covered above. We leave ample space and time for this to be rich in dialogue, sharing of memories, stories and previous birth journeys, to commune with any of your children and to go further and further into what you are needing, expecting, desiring and devising for your birth and motherhood.

  • Attendance at Birth: I come to your home to join you when you feel you are in need of this support and remain with you throughout labor. Once your baby is born I become the Auntie you wish you had! I stay to help with getting you comfortable, fed, nourished, nurtured and to oversee breastfeeding. I remain with you for the first  2-4 hours, The Golden Hours, to encourage non-disturbance of this beautiful space of time, to tend to your placenta, wash and feed you, and I leave once you are tucked up in bed and ready for rest.

  • 1 x 2 hour postpartum meeting with Jennifer Hammer of Sacred Nest and Postpartum Support Calgary. She will come to your home in the first few weeks of your baby’s life to help you iron out any kinks with latch of baby during nursing, pumping if necessary, meal planning or emotional worries and will provide you with further resources and referrals where necessary.

    1. Conscious Postpartum: I will come to see you in your home 3 times in the first 3 months. This will allow space and time for you to be heard, honoured, witnessed in your emotions, to discuss your birth story as questions arise and to just fully be with you, Mother to Mother, in this tender space of time. I will bring you practical gifts each time and tend to your body in the way that feels helpful for you whether that be leg massage, prepping a sit bath or drawing a bath for you and holding you baby, putting dinner on or giving you a babywearing lesson. This is invaluable in and of itself as we work together through your triumphs and challenges alike.
